Creed Centaurus 100ml
Creed Centaurus 100ml
Ignite the senses with a bold and fiery amber fragrance that burns as bright as the biggest constellation in the cosmos.
Inspired by one of the largest constellations, Centaurus is a universal woody amber perfume that burns bright with plumes of incandescent tobacco ignited by potent pink pepper, fiery cinnamon and spicy cardamom. This dazzling display is tempered by the voluptuous light of sandalwood, the delicate hues of jasmine and the gentle glow of heliotrope, reminiscent of stars blooming in the night sky. The sensual woody amber backdrop of Centaurus is painted with the forceful presence of patchouli, the dark honeyed notes of tonka bean and the deep richness of Bourbon vanilla, which together leave an enduring star-powered glow.
Top: Cardamom, Cinnamon, Tobacco, Pink Pepper
Middle: Geranium, Sandalwood, Heliotrope, Jasmine, Patchouli
Base: Benzoin, Tolu Balm, Tonka Bean, Ambroxan, Bourbon Vanilla from Madagascar